Sabtu, 08 November 2008

Wanita tanpa jilbab

Tak kusangka matiku berlumur dosa
Walau doa s'lalu kupanjat pada Yang Kuasa
Budi baik tak pernah lupa kubawa
Namun ternyata semuanya hampa
Belum sempat kerudung kukena

belum sempat tobat kupinta

sontak setan tertawa,,, lepas
malaikat turut mencela,,, pedas
Tuhan tak sudi memandangku yang hina memelas
bagi-Nya tanpa kerudung percuma ku berhias

dunia fana penuh fatamorgana t'lah sirna
aku kini nyata,,,
dalam lembah neraka penuh nista.

Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008

Veil Can Maintain Health

The veil is not only used to meet the religious Sharia. Cover genitalia womanhood that it has many other benefits. One of them, beautify appearance. However, the veil is also useful to keep the body remains healthy.
It disclosed the stage Astrie Ivo pretty relaxed about the veil Talk to brighten up the Grand Launching Retail Sharia (Reshare) Rabbani in the area Dharmahusada yesterday.

Astrie that put some clothes pink admitted to obtain the wisdom of the commandments of God. "It's all based on the understanding that everything be governed Allah to us all for the benefit themselves. If we know the benefits of each command, unfortunately, we know how God to us. Included slice," he said.

To elucidate the benefits Veil, based on his book Beautiful Throughout the period of writing itself. Closing the genitalia and some have been adapted for God with the condition of women.

According to him, than men, the content of melanin in the body, fewer women. "Therefore, the body more women need to be protected from sunburn," he explained.
He added, is proving even not only in the Qur'an, but also evidenced by a specialist dermatology research the origin of Australia.

When the disease was found skin cancer in women who are very dangerous, drugs that they had resepkan veil because the area close all the skin, except the hands and face. "Only the face and palms. Two areas that have been enough to make useful substances, substances in the incoming sunlight on our body. Not difficult is not it?" he said.

In addition to the benefit of the Veil, Astrie reveal confidential, such as wudu and prayers. Prostration, one of the prayers, save big benefit. Bath thunder will return to neutral if the land, prostration is also useful neutralize all the emotional tension and the human brain.

"When prayers, there are parts of the brain nerve direnggangkan, so that work can prevent senility. PRAYER also preclude us from the fear in the 3S, ie, stress, stroke and stop, or the sudden death khusnul khatimah," said the mother of three children. (Ode).

Sunday, 8 April 2007

Senin, 27 Oktober 2008

Linux Opensource give Basics, Computer Basics

Linux operation system, which is one of saturated impound lot of attention for computer users around the world. I yearn for you from where they could own Linux?

A student is a Filandia which is the first person to find. Linus Torvalds, such penemunya name. No wonder if the name is used to be a Linux operating system, such as name penemunya. August 1991, the Linus version 0:01. And In the same year, precisely the date of 5 October 1991, dry Official launch version 0.02.

History of Linux Ubuntu

Ubuntu comes from African languages, namely "Humanity to Others" which means "Sesame For Humanity." On the basis of that launch, Ubuntu Linux, which released the year 2004. Operating System is a derivative of the Linux operating system that others, namely, Debian.

Ubuntu ITU itself made dengue Tradewinds: always free, without the cost of the license, is open source (code Open), give ready to be used in a stable condition. Ubuntu is supported by the Bernama company Canonical Ltd., which has Tradewinds to help the development, distribution of campaign give the products are open source (code Open). These companies give out in Europe, led by someone AP Mark Shuttleworth.

Since first launched, Ubuntu attention is very much different from Linux users. This is caused by Karen stability owned Ubuntu ITU own. In addition to ITU give comfort facilities owned Ubuntu Power Pull into that big for Linux users in all parts of the World.

The Ubuntu version has been released that give outstanding Past is as follows:
1) Version 4.10 (Warty Warthdog).
2) Version 5.04 (Hoary Hedgedog).
3) Version 5.10 (Breezy Badger).
4) Version 6.06 (Drapper Drake).
5) Version 6.10 (Edgy EFT).
6) Version 7.04 (Feisty Fawn).
7) Version 7.10 (gutsy Gibbson).
June 11th, 2008
For more Information about Ubuntu, please visit <